The next day, the unit will be ordered to suspend business for reorganization.
Commercial Banks shall carry out business during announced business hours; they may not suspend business or shorten their business hours without authorization.
Companies will be ordered to suspend business for 30 days after the disclosure of plans for a major reorganization of assets and apply for shares resume trading.
The Shanghai Tourism Trade Association Wednesday recommended local travel agencies suspend business with the US Galaxy Travel Agency, after 2 road accidents involving Chinese tourists in the US.
上海旅游行业协会4日建议上海各出境游组团社暂缓与美国银河旅行社的合作。 上海一旅游团1月30日在亚利桑那州发生车祸,7人死亡、10人受伤。
An example is a long-running business process that, once created, wants to give a dedicated set of users the right to perform administrative actions such as suspend, resume, and repair on it.
Applicable values: You can set the suspend transaction qualifier to either "true" or "false", depending on the business need. If set to.
Music business movers and shakers are working on industry-wide guidelines allowing record labels to suspend self-harming artists until they get adequate treatment.
In some cases, local regulators could even suspend violators' business operations or revoke their business permits, according to the draft legal revisions.
Hangzhou Xiaoshan District, simply suspend the housing mortgage loan business.
Due to our clearance sale from January 1 to 10, we shall suspend all other Business for this period. Your attention will Be appreciated.
The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) denied reports it has urged some trust companies to suspend their real estate trust business.
The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) denied reports it has urged some trust companies to suspend their real estate trust business.