Suspending liquid containing solid quantity required, the higher the differential is smaller.
The filtration technology with adsorbent precoat for waste magnetic suspending liquid is introduced.
The target of the filtering generally is to separate the liquid and solid from the suspending liquid.
This paper designed a series of performance experiment schemes, setting the suspending liquid of kaolin as the target.
The oxygen utilization rate is low in manganese tetroxide preparation by metallic manganese powder suspending liquid process.
Meanwhile this thesis studied on the characteristics of OPFs working as assistant flocculants in kaolin simulated suspending liquid.
The acoustic attenuation of suspending liquid is divided three kinds as absorption attenuation and scattering attenuation and diffusion attenuation.
Through controlling the sodium silicate of surfactans and the pH of quartz powder suspending liquid, the ultra-fine silica powder was prepared by using stirred mill.
If the grain size distribution of suspending liquid at inlet is identical, the change of inlet pressure and underflow port diameter can influence the separation efficiency.
Therefore, the waste magnetic suspending liquid to be filtered with adsorbent procoat can completely meet national discharge standards, thus can be discharged directly or re-used.
The medium of is suspending liquid with high density. Under the action of centrifugal force the minerals are separated according to their specific gravity in the heavy medium cyclone.
The influence of separation process flow, operating parameters and the properties of suspending liquid on the treatment effect was studied, and the optimum process conditions were determined.
Slip casting process is extensively used in ceramic industry. But to obtain the body of high density and well-proportioned microstructure, it is important to prepare stable suspending liquid.
The experimental study of the effect of the liquid concentration, separation coefficient and the filter on the separation efficiency is finished, by using of suspending liquid of the grain residue.
This article deals with the liquid formula feed ingredients, processing and the application of suspending agents.
Its main products are traditional molasses -urea liquid feed supplements and newly-developed suspension liquid feed supplements with suspending agent in them.
Its main products are traditional molasses -urea liquid feed supplements and newly-developed suspension liquid feed supplements with suspending agent in them.