Dynamic efficient sustained yield — the sustained yield that produces the highest present value of net benefit.
Static efficient sustained yield — the sustained catch level in a fishery that produces the largest annual recurring net benefit.
The term "sustained yield" is probably most useful has applied to the yield of well fields in situations that Thomas has termed "water-course aquifers".
It was consider that perhaps horticultural skill leading to a great deal of adverse directional vine will be important measure of early yield and sustained yield.
Without full and sustained business engagement, these projects often do not yield anticipated benefits.
Maximum sustainable yield----The maximum harvest that could be sustained forever.
The impact of climatic change on sustained agriculture in China is analysed according to the crop productivity and yield, cropping system, regional agricultural production and production cost.
How to manage optimally and make use of the resource will play an important role in sustained-yield forest management in Heilongjiang province and determining the age of harvest cutting is the key.
In the Jinhua region of Zhejiang province, the economic well being is highly dependent upon sustained, high yield soybean production.
In the Jinhua region of Zhejiang province, the economic well being is highly dependent upon sustained, high yield soybean production.