The "si" and "so" columns (swap-in and swap-out), are not even close to zero.
“si”和“so”栏(swap - in和swap - out)与零相去甚远。
The actual swap-out of tanks will take place during the second spacewalk, which is on Sunday.
The swap-out of Kopra, who was injured while biking on Saturday, with Bowen was the second crew personnel issue NASA faced in as many weeks.
Kopra被Bowen替换是因为他在周六骑自行车时受伤。 这种因宇航员个人原因导致美国宇航局换人已经是数周内的第二次。
I then insist swap, and then I print out their values again.
You can swap out one system and replace it with another.
Answer: If you want your applications to perform, the application server instance's JVM should not swap out of physical memory.
I then insist, okay, swap, and then I print out their values again.
This allows you to swap out at runtime a different class exposing the same methods, taking advantage of polymorphism.
You could even swap out the batteries while charging others with the phone.
Suspending a thread requires the operating system to swap it out of the CPU often before it's time quantum has been consumed.
If MaxClients is too high, then all clients experience poor service because the Web server tries to swap out one process to allow another one to run.
This practice does make the project structure in Eclipse a bit more complex, but the benefit is that you can swap out the implementation bundles much more easily.
For example, a tester can use the hardware one day to test on a specific operating system version and quickly swap out to run a different operating system version the next day.
Writing your software with inversion of control in mind also makes unit testing much, much easier, because you can swap out real implementations for mocks in your tests.
This abstraction of implementation details is key to flexibility: it enables you to swap out the implementation type completely without affecting the GUI.
They consider it important to be able to swap out any layer of the system in favor of alternative implementations.
And during live shows, guitarists may swap out for a new guitar with every song.
By using this layer of abstraction, consuming applications can easily swap out the dictionary provider they use.
They can swap out the phone's homescreen, the style of the dialer, or any of the applications.
Swap out the soda, wine or cocktail for water, especially when out at a restaurant. It's free and better for you.
And the only explanations for it do not seem to work if you swap out "human" for some other animal or creature.
When running on a system with more process address space than physical memory, a memory leak or excessive use of native memory will force the OS to swap out some of the virtual address space.
This would allow you to easily swap out your simplistic XML-file based implementation for a more standard database-driven implementation.
You should now have a good idea of what an ORM is, how to manage validation and table relationships, and how to swap out HSQLDB for the database of your choice.
Finally, you'll see how easy it is to swap out one relational database for another.
Get the oil checked, swap out the brakes, check the exhaust etc.
Swap out überbright bedroom bulbs for low-watt ones, or install a dimmer switch and keep it low.
Swap out überbright bedroom bulbs for low-watt ones, or install a dimmer switch and keep it low.