Its sheer rock sides sweep up from a broad base until they cut off abruptly at the flat summit.
They sweep the dirt off the tombs and remember their dead family members.
For a little food I am quite willing to sweep his carpets with a broken broom, to wash his clothes and to scrape the crumbs off the floor as soon as he has finished eating.
Mr Komorowski emerged only narrowly ahead though he should still win the run-off if he can sweep up anti-Kaczynski votes cast for minor candidates.
I was watching some sitcom one day (don't remember what it was) and one of the characters said, "If I can't sweep you off your feet I'll just wear you down!"
If you're off school or out of work, trapped in an underworld of addiction, abuse, crimes or chaos, we will sweep away state failure and help give you stability.
Then again it would sweep along diagonally as if to take everything by surprise breaking branches carrying off roof-tiles and snapping electric wires.
Some things sure can sweep me off my feet, burning down the house.
Mother told Tom to sweep away the dead leaves in the yard, but he tried to beg off.
Pay it out if it'll sweep the hoboes off the streets.
Can you please stop sweeping girls off their feet and go sweep something else?
At present, the key to dealing with this relationship is to sweep off the two institutional obstacles such as immatureness of credit survey system and faultiness of penalty mechanism in credit loss.
Now it is time for the taste test: can a healthy bag of soya nibbles sweep the fatty potato snack off the table?
Tips and tricks: Sweep the brush across the powder a few times, then tap off any excess.
While they were warming up I would then sweep the frost off the tatami.
No matter what, no matter when, no matte who, any man has a chance to sweep any women off her feet.
I'm going to sweep the leaves off the path.
True love can sweep you off your feet.
Blowing equipment is using the latest air knife drying technology, two rows of high pressure air knife can sweep off the water at the surface of product quickly.
As a very crude approach to reconstructing a scan raster on the TV tube, these pulses can be stripped off and individually utilized to trigger a pair of single sweep generators.
Another monk came, suggesting him to shake off the leaves at dusk and sweep them away altogether, thus saving the next day's trouble. Delighted, the small monk did as was advised.
There I would sweep her off her feet with sheer adoration and unbridled love.
You know, every time you do something like this, you just sweep me off my feet!
Mission scientists say Beagle 2, which weighs just 75 pounds, might have been blown off course by dust clouds and storms which regularly sweep the surface of Mars.
Mission scientists say Beagle 2, which weighs just 75 pounds, might have been blown off course by dust clouds and storms which regularly sweep the surface of Mars.