He can't run in the halls, cut in line, call out, or swing his paintbrush around.
December 19, 2005 - the Ceureumen weekly editorial meeting is in full swing: "the cover story for the next issue should focus on the islands around Aceh."
2005年12月23日—Ceureumen新闻周刊的编辑会议正在热烈地进行中。记者a sriZaidir认为:“下一期的封面新闻应该把重点放在亚齐周围的岛屿上。”
I throw my kids around, let them ride on my shoulders, swing them, do pushups with them on my back.
He has set up limit orders for around a third of his clients to buy either a stock index fund or a commodity ETN in the event of a sharp swing.
We tell jokes and I swing the little kids around.
She could improvise right next to saxophonists like Charlie Parker, Coleman Hawkins or Lester Young, then turn around and perform a classic American ballad while infusing it with her natural swing.
This evening, my husband spent an hour riding bikes around and around and around our neighborhood with our daughter. Then he pushed her on the tire swing for another hour until she fell asleep.
Women dance around the swing and sing devotional songs, as men spray coloured water on them.
There were toys and crayons dotted around, a children's swing outside one of the tents, and a vase of flowers.
You just swing the camera around in a 260-degree arc, pressing the shutter all the way - and the camera builds a perfect seamless panorama automatically.
You might well be operating out in the corners of the Swing library and find yourself needing to work around surprising behaviors and/or bugs.
Time and again, she has witnessed the doors of hotel restaurant Le cafe swing open inexplicably, always around 7pm.
一次又一次,她目睹了酒店餐厅le cafe(咖啡厅)的门莫名其妙地摆动着开了,通常是在晚上7点。
Now I'm going to swing you around on a string just as if you were an apple and I'm going to do this with you.
Watch me swing it around my head!
Otherwise, a horse tends to rush through narrow openings and swing quickly around, creating the potential for injury to himself as well as to his handler.
Around midnight, the moon and Jupiter swing to the summit of their travels in southern sky.
Can you swing your arms around and round?
It looks like they must crash, this sea of people, but they swerve and swing around each other, like dancers pirouetting, and they all get to the other side safely.
Her swing around the physique, with a bit dull, so to win the "Sister Furong," the title.
Watch me swing it around my head!
The swing on the veranda, in combination with the potted plants that are scattered around the veranda, makes for a particularly beautiful spatial arrangement.
He glanced at the group of boys, who had now managed to tangle two of the swings around each other and across the supporting frame of the swing.
Runner's Vision will show you clean, safe swing points but there are always more advanced and faster ways to get around.
The interaction between jets and linear waves make the jets swing; and make the momentum exchange strongly between the jets and the water around the jets.
I stopped faster than I thought I would and nearly fell over, I grabbed the side of the swing set and spun around to face the back pasture.
I sure wish they would not swing their umbrella around as if they were golf club.
I sure wish they would not swing their umbrella around as if they were golf club.