The influence of various construction parameters on system resistance is studied in a model swirl board scrubber. It can be served as a fundation for a prototype scale design.
The straight blow-off pipe has less blow-off resistance, the flushing area of the swirl nozzles and the fan nozzles is large, the water pressure is high, and the water consumption is less.
直管排污管的排污阻力小,旋 流喷嘴、扇形喷嘴的冲洗面积大、水压高、用水量小。
In addition to these features, particle swirl suppression ribs in the diffuser provide abrasion resistance by reducing the buildup of abrasives that can cause erosive wear.
In addition to these features, particle swirl suppression ribs in the diffuser provide abrasion resistance by reducing the buildup of abrasives that can cause erosive wear.