The new comments will only start showing up after a sync.
Sync and start the server and application (AdminControl).
The CDR start sec2er command ensures that replicates are automatically created on all tables in the user databases so that it can sync up the data with the cluster.
The table shows all configured sync sources (of course, the table is empty if you start FinchSync for the first time).
In this situation, you need to start the database on the primary machine as the standby to get the two databases back in sync again.
Then, just plug your phone into your computer, start up the app, pick the playlists you want to sync, and let it go.
Press the 'Add' button to start the sync source wizard.
点击'Add '按钮进入同步源设置向导。
The kernel will start the mirror in "degraded" mode and begin copying data from the original to the destination to bring it into sync.
The kernel will start the mirror in "degraded" mode and begin copying data from the original to the destination to bring it into sync.