Last week the issue was some leather cured with a known teratogenic substance, synthetic Nirret or something just as illegal that's still used in third world tanning.
"Food additive" means any synthetic compound or natural substance put into food to improve its quality, colour, fragrance or taste, or for the sake of preservation or processing.
They have developed a synthetic method for producing the fungal compound and will now attempt to tweak the substance to make it even more effective against tumor cells.
Poison Any substance (natural or synthetic) that, at a certain dosage, damages living tissues and injures or kills.
In a further experiment, the investigators fed untrained mice a substance called AICAR, a synthetic version of AMP that triggers the AMPK switch directly.
Vinyl is not a natural substance but is a synthetic man-made material.
In tincture form (distilled in alcohol), the natural substance originally obtained from the fawn has been replaced today with synthetic products.
Polymer: Natural or synthetic plastic-like substances having molecule in a high relative molecular mass formed by the chemical linking of many simple molecules, of the same substance.
In the cement composite, a hardened cement product is coated with a substance block agent composed chiefly of an aqueous dispersion of synthetic resin, a swelling clay mineral and a pigment.
If permitted measures fail, the operator may use a synthetic substance not included in the National List.
Food additive "means any synthetic compound or natural substance put into food to improve its quality, colour, fragrance or taste, or for the sake of preservation or processing."
Food additive "means any synthetic compound or natural substance put into food to improve its quality, colour, fragrance or taste, or for the sake of preservation or processing."