One of the reasons lies in normative logic itself, such as in its paradox orin its inconvincible system.
Some enhancements you might consider adding would include logic to parse out things such as the location of the queue manager in the file system, or better error handling.
Rules are stored outside of application logic, making it easy for a business person to add or modify the rules while not taking the system offline.
Known actors usually find their way, in some form, into the logic of the system; anonymous actors may as well.
Once the overall migration process — including data, logic, and processes — is completed, the cost of maintaining multiple data sources can be reduced by eliminating the legacy system (s).
Chapter 5 on Sets, states, and Logic explains how configurations can be mapped to system states; modifications of the system are transitions between those states.
Faults may already exist within a business process and can compromise the integrity of the system, so you must use process logic to restore the system's integrity.
State machines are also useful when the logic is cyclic in nature; that is, where an object or part of the system goes through a series of states repeatedly.
The tool Mr Barth is employing to effect this transition is linear temporal logic, a system of mathematical logic that can express detailed constraints on the past and the future.
Under the covers, an SAP system has a common kernel plus business process specific data structures (business objects) and processing logic on top of it.
Other elements of the system, such as application presentation logic, were only expected to be clients.
By following the Open Closed Principle with the order processing rules, I've made it much easier to add new types of order handling logic to the system.
Here, logging output influences other parts of a system in terms of business relevance, in other words, other applications read business critical log records and use those in their business logic.
Fine-grained components are more numerous and are used to organize the implementation of logic in a system, often implementing a detailed technical algorithm.
Sequence diagrams model the flow of logic within your system in a visual manner, enabling you to both document and validate your logic, and are commonly used for both analysis and design purposes.
For now, a controller class is a placeholder for one or more classes that would be fleshed out during design to implement the business logic of your system.
A sequence diagram is typically used for modeling use cases, to show the logic of both the methods and the services of a system.
We now see that no logic except bio-logic can assemble a thinking device, or even a workable system of any magnitude.
In this section, you will generate the JPA entities from the members database tables that form the heart of the business logic for Acme's membership system.
The eBay Desktop as an example has a high degree of logic on the client to provide an engaging user experience with features such as countdown timers, and system tray notifications.
The submission system is the element of the user interface and supporting logic that allows for the exchange of information between the Web browser and server components of the Web application.
提交系统是用户界面的元素,并支持在Web浏览器和 Web应用程序服务器组件之间交换信息的逻辑。
The protocol and message transformations, which we call integration logic, is built using mediations in the SIBus, without affecting the rest of the system at all.
Therefore, the existing judicial challenge system needs to be perfected, no matter as a conclusion in logic or the objective need of judicial reality.
The cognitive structure of moral logical system is composed of moral truth logic pursuing the truth, moral value logic aiming at the good, and moral choice logic pursuing the good.
The design of logic architecture for embedded system is studied based on the basic function and feature of universal electronic measurement instruments.
Current search of hydraulic system failure of traditional method is logic analysis to approach the diagnosis.
This is because Shi not only reflects ancient people's worshiping consciousness toward life, and more important is, Shi makes Yi thoughts based on the precise system of mathematical logic.
As an approach to describe and control the system, the fuzzy logic theory has been the common concerns of people.
When the end of an application system is delivered, the normal business interaction logic or syntax has been solidified, which we call the model.
When the end of an application system is delivered, the normal business interaction logic or syntax has been solidified, which we call the model.