As for the high precision positioning of underwater targets, the GPS sonobuoy technique has two bottlenecks: high precision system clock synchronization and high accuracy time delay estimation.
Clock synchronization services work by changing the system clock on the client systems to match the clock on the server system.
The problem of Clock Synchronization is a classical issue in distributed operating system and core technology in distributed computing.
A binary tree routing topology is designed for propagating the system clock and trigger signal and the accurate timing and synchronization between sensors are provided by CPLD.
The electric power monitoring system is a complex distributing system, and there is different demand on clock synchronization precision in different levels.
Firstly, the main theory and technology of computer clock synchronization is introduced and analyzed, the three main parts of a synchronization system are studied.
The problem of designing computer external clock synchronization system with probabilistic algorithm is studied.
The problem of designing computer external clock synchronization system with PCS algorithm is studied.
The importance of the clock synchronization in the parallel distributed system is given, and three main methods for the clock synchronization are introduced.
Quantum spatial positioning, clock synchronization and fiber optic communications become possible through researching the quantum entanglement characteristic between the simple two particles system.
The proposition of MBBS algorithm is of most value in improving clock synchronization accuracy for wireless distributed measurement system.
The present invention also discloses a clock synchronization system.
The frame of wireless distributed system is provided, and the work process of clock synchronization based on PTP is introduced.
In order to meet the resolution requirement of hundreds of microseconds, microsecond global clock synchronization must be achieved in Sequence of Event (SOE) system.
This thesis has proposed a designing schema of embedded network synchronization clock based on NTP, having done the entire development of hardware and software system.
Adopting software anti-jamming technology, this instrument is based on AT89C51 to achieve the synchronization of the clock of time service system with UTC.
该设备基于AT 89c51,采用软件抗干扰技术,实现授时主系统时钟与中心UT C主钟的同步。
Class B and Class A features with IEEE 1588 clock synchronization, they can synchronize all the clocks in the system.
B类和 A 类都融入了IEEE 1588同步时钟协议,让系统中的各种时钟同步,并提供了时戳机制,精度可同步到纳秒级。
And also the synchronization scheme based on NTP technology is used to fulfill the clock synchronization for all equipments in the system.
And also the synchronization scheme based on NTP technology is used to fulfill the clock synchronization for all equipments in the system.