This paper studies the relevant important teclmology in network education system, the efficient methods about system config, live program of network education and courseware design.
Instead of having to learn every different way in which to configure a component, the new config system streamlines setting up your components.
That config file is actually a DSL designed by the framework author and developers use it to configure a running system.
A system manager can modify the config file by hand, but it is assumed that at some level an application will be required to modify the config file directly.
Oversight. Occurring primarily at the system level and often stemming from ignorance of potential risks, oversight occurs when an E-mail system has been incorrectly config - ured or poorly maintained.
Config servers - each configuration server contain the cluster's metadata, what shards exist in the system, and what chunks of data is on each shard.
When you write the config file for Struts or EJB, you are describing the topology of your system.
Synapse can use a registry that offers up XML or other config via a HTTP GET interface or file system.
It's important that you also describe your config specs so you understand the mappings from your old system to your new. Ask yourself.
Any attribute list returned from config service contains two system attributes defined by config service.
Once you get a feel for AIXPert's use of XML config files for its security scripts, you'll see that the tool is a smart and simple way of hardening your AIX system.
If you want to modify config documents in a non-default location, you also need to set the location of the config directory through the system property was.repository.root.
如果您想在非缺省位置修改配置文档,那么您还需要通过系统属性was . repository . root设置config目录的位置。
When the logical drives are configured, the LUN configuration window closes, saving the configuration to the host system in the Port configuration window (which has a default password of config).
The locale-config element enables the system to find the correct locale based on the browser's language settings.
To support networking with RHEL5, you can either edit files, use the command line, use the network administration utility system-config-network, or use the setup command.
要在RHEL5中支持网络,您可以编辑文件,使用命令行,使用网络管理实用工具system - config - net work,或者使用setup命令。
Values in the file are overridden by environment variables and system properties.
环境变量和系统属性将覆盖config -substitutions . properties文件中的值。
After you have created the database and table, set the CodeIgniter database variables in. \ system \ application \ config \ database.php and base URL in. \ system \ application \ config \ config.php.
创建了数据库和表后,在. \system \application \config \database . php内设置CodeIgniter数据库变量,在. \ system \ application \ config \ config . php内设置基础url。
Of the two, system-config-lvm provides a somewhat simpler and friendlier user interface; however, either will get the job done.
二者之中,system - config - lvm提供一个更为简单友好的用户界面;而它们都可以完成工作。
System-config-lvm-this program originated with Red Hat, but is available in some other distributions.
system - config - lvm—这个程序源自于RedHat,但是也可用于其他版本。
The first thing you need to do prior to setting up our volume group is initialize your unpartitioned space (see Figure 8), which, here, is 20 GB: # system-config-lvm.
To add logical volumes, you'll use the system-config-lvm command.
为了添加逻辑卷,要使用system - config - lvm命令。
RHELhas various utilities including the system-config-services command.
RHEL具有不同的实用工具,包括system - config - services命令。
The solution is to run system-config-xfree86 (system-config-display on Fedora Core) and select a VESA mode for compatibility support.
解决方案是运行 system-config-xfree86(在Fedora Core 上用 system-config-display),并选择VESA模式作为兼容性支持。
It USES config file to fulfill the system integration.
Customisable Config - this is not going to be changed in this patch as it involved a significant amount of work e. g. designing a brand-new series of screens for the mapping system.
System . Configuration — Contains classes for working with configuration files ( Web . config files ).
Enabled BTRFS file system support from the config file.
System trace information was not specified in your CONFIG. SYS file, or tracing is disallowed.
System trace information was not specified in your CONFIG. SYS file, or tracing is disallowed.