The smallest mistake can undermine the integrity of an entire system.
Another mistake is to implement software RAID on a system composed of low-quality hardware.
Organizations often make the mistake of concurrently implementing radically new or significantly updated delivery processes with a new software delivery automation system.
This seems excessive, repeating the mistake often made in the past of slashing capital spending when times are hard; this has left the country with a poor transport system, for example.
It's easy to make a typing mistake, especially when you're blindly copying data from one system to another.
A common beginner mistake, however, is to underestimate the time needed to write an operating system from scratch.
刚开始开发的人,通常会犯这样一个错误- - - - - - -会低估从无到有开发一个操作系统需要的时间长度。
Giving them these pieces of information really seemed to set some of our testers free, allowing them to blame every mistake or confusion on the system.
Supervisors get into trouble if they go out on a limb and make a technical mistake (and a bank sues), but face fewer problems if everybody makes the same material mistake and the system goes down.
The worst mistake an administrator can make is to put all of a server's resources—operating system, third-party applications, paging space, and application data—within a single volume group.
But make no mistake: This system poses a direct threat to Google's AdWords and Microsoft's AdCenter.
Not everybody teasing pull. Te trouble, handed pictures from system often mistake!
Tested by experimental data from literatures, the computed system built in this paper is proved to be of good commonality, and the computational mistake is around 20%.
Some confusion and mistake of its units in applying is also pointed out, and the formula form that should have, calculating with si unit sYstem, is suggested.
Achieve the mistake information query, the report state query and guide the feedback file of the Enterprise Credit System.
A translation app confirmed Mr Schluetermann's suspicions that the tourist had got entangled in the asylum system by mistake.
The intelligent mistake precaution operator is one part of the mistake precaution system for transformer substation. It is designed to meet the need of five rules of electric department.
Mistake operation are effectively reduced by software design of system configuration by keys.
The result coming from many applications has shown that the system is efficient to increase rate of progress, decrease expenditure, shorten project periods, reduce mistake and enhance quality.
Run a program next, see a system whether hint mistake, again track down by following clues goes solving.
The outside interferes with making PLC receive the wrong signal, cause the lathe to act by mistake, or make the internal data of PLC lost, even make the system out of control when being serious.
But it costs much more time and work to finish the holistic or partial maintenance, and a mistake may cause the system working abnormally.
Users often choose system functions by mistake and will need a clearly marked emergency exit to leave the unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue.
Adopt advanced defensive system with 4 main anti-error function to avoid any mistake during batching and feeding.
Objective Using barcode technique to establish the sample information management system, which in order to avoid manual mistake in the process of sample collection and date transmission.
The object of design and development of this system, system's structure, system's procedure, key technologies, mechanism in mistake are emphasized.
If you are not the intended recipient or you have received it by mistake please notify the sender by return email or telephone and delete this message and all attachments from your system.
High level in the instant transformation is very normal, if not this statement, the system is very easy to make a mistake.
Every emergency system must be quite simple to be able to function properly all the time and, preferably, not giving the pilot the opportunity to make a mistake in its use.
Every emergency system must be quite simple to be able to function properly all the time and, preferably, not giving the pilot the opportunity to make a mistake in its use.