Referring to the monitor system of expressway, this article puts forward the theory of "network camera", which is composed with digital camera and network unit.
LED's reliability relies mainly on the reliability of display unit, and needs the implement of corresponding monitor system and partly wind-cooling execute mechanism.
The software design and hardware implementation of the total system are also proposed, the embedded platform of monitor unit and implementation of GPRS function is discussed chiefly.
The colour industrial monitor with high performance is introduced in this paper. The emphases are put on the system composition and the operation principle of the graph unit and the character unit.
the monitor is attached outside the system unit.
This paper presents a robot detection system, which consists of cleaning unit, driving unit, reflecting prism unit, CCD camera, image monitor, and computer etc.
This infrared telemetry system can be used in the environment with high electromagnetic interference, such as the operating room with electrosurgical unit and become an important monitor device.
The hardware sampling unit of the monitor system is constituted by the data gathering module, including digital input module and analog input module, which are connected by the RS-485 main line form.
系统的硬件采样部分由数据采集模块(包括模拟量输入模块和数字量输入模块)构成,各模块间以RS - 485总线形式进行连接。
The hardware sampling unit of the monitor system is constituted by the data gathering module, including digital input module and analog input module, which are connected by the RS-485 main line form.
系统的硬件采样部分由数据采集模块(包括模拟量输入模块和数字量输入模块)构成,各模块间以RS - 485总线形式进行连接。