The model belongs to large-scale non-linearity system of equations.
Finally, the fairing curve can be obtained by solving a linear system of equations.
Then, as an example, the solution to the ill conditioned system of equations is also presented.
By plate's boundary condition we can found the homologous homogeneous linear system of equations.
Contains a system of equations that describes the steady-state operation of a heat exchanger network.
This unconstrained optimization problem may be transformed into nonlinear algebraic system of equations.
The problem of gravity field recovery can be attributed to the solution of over determined system of equations.
Nevertheless, it requires solving system of equations with larger degree and determining the optimum structure of this model.
We consider the problem of solving the finite element system of equations coming from symmetric elliptic boundary value problems.
An all-purpose algorithm, Monte Carlo algorithm, for solving linear and nonlinear system of equations was presented in this paper.
This kind of schemes has advantages such as cardinal type, explicit calculation(no need to solve system of equations) and localization.
From the point view of applications, the matrix element of the involved linear system of equations is an explicit expression without numerical integration.
In order to solve the high order linear system of equations, we have used the frontal method with high accuracy and considerable economy of main memory space.
By the discretization of spatial variable in the equation, a third-order differential system of equations containing periodic time-varying coefficient is derived.
The characteristic velocities and the compatibility relations along characteristics are derived from the system of equations for the motion of thin magnetic flux tubes.
Bossed on an embedding method, a class of implicit iterative methods is established for solving nonlinear system of equations, and it includes the work of noted scholar m.
After solving the system of linear algebraic equations, another problem is induced that requires revising this coefficient matrix in order to get a new system of equations.
We cast these ranging measurements as a set of distance constraints, thus forming an over-determined system of equations suitable for non-linear least squares optimization.
Bossed on an embedding method, a class of implicit iterative methods is established for solving nonlinear system of equations, and it includes the work of noted scholar M. k.
Utilizing the related physical model, the linear system of equations solved for the three components of the amplitude of the arbitrary point on the test object may be derived.
Based on the partition of equivalent classes, the resolving of a linear system of equations and the calculation of the dual basis of the standard basis, three methodologies are presented.
The equations of mass conservations of the reactions arc described by a nonlinear parabolic system of equations. The objective function is the input quantity of gas in a fixed period of time.
The KKT conditions of a nonlinear programming with linear inequality constrains can be transformed into a system of equations by NCP function. Then it is smoothed by Entropy smoothing function.
The contributive equation of discontinuous interface to the system of equations is derived and nonlinear iterative algorithms for simulating the contact state of a discontinuous interface are studied.
Instead, to demonstrate the "red effect" I should have used an image of an elderly man solving a system of differential equations using a red pen.
, this is my plan, the fundamental problem of linear algebra, which is to solve a system of linear equations.
,这是我的计划:线代的基本问题是用来解线性方程组(system of linear equations)。
On large scales - at the scale of the solar system or of the universe itself - the equations of general relativity yield a value of G that tallies with observed behaviour.
In the analysis of very complex systems, the governing equations for the system components form a large set of simultaneous equations.
In the analysis of very complex systems, the governing equations for the system components form a large set of simultaneous equations.