In this paper, line methods for two dimension transpiration control equations are created, and new equations may be solved in terms of numerical methods for system of ordinary differential equations.
The adjoint variable method for design sensitivity analysis of multibody system dynamics based on ordinary differential equations is presented.
The time evolution of system in two photon Jaynes Cummings (J C) model without rotating waves approximation (RWA) is obtained by using the theory of ordinary differential equations.
We assume that the motion of controlled object is describedby linear ordinary differential equations with variable coefficient, and the final states ofthe system form a convex region of phase space.
The hydrogenation reaction of co and CO2 to synthesize methanol is a multiple reaction system. The distributions of concentrations are described by second order ordinary differential equations.
On the premise that the system there exists non-negative weak solution, the paper further discusses the semi-stability of the system solution using the theory of ordinary differential equations.
On the premise that the system there exists non-negative weak solution, the paper further discusses the semi-stability of the system solution using the theory of ordinary differential equations.