Systematically measuring the use of financial services can be the first step in identifying gaps and spurring policy interventions to expand access.
I confess that I do not use automated tests systematically because my experience has been that they are most effective with classes whose public interface does not change often.
In the second half of this article, I'll show you how to use AOP to systematically ensure that monitoring code doesn't cause problems in the monitored application.
As this article explains, you get maximum benefits when you use Purify regularly and systematically.
A number of books 19 on this subject describe how a designer systematically creates object-oriented analysis models from use-case specifications.
This dissertation systematically analyzes the mechanism of land use conversion, and focuses on the problem of interests adjustment.
It is generally believed that English songs are good resources for learning English, but it is rarely studied how to use English songs systematically in the classroom.
The paper systematically introduce how to use CORBA and RMI technology to develop distributed application, through instances to illustrate the implement method.
In this paper, the benefit and feasibility of adopting osculatory followers made of aluminum alloys for use in high-speed disk cam mechanisms are systematically delibrated.
Based on the experimental data, the relationships between water consumption, yield, marginal yield, water use efficiency and soil water content are systematically analyzed.
The article introduces systematically the schematic method for the six-bar modification of a conventional pumping unit by use of Stephenson' chain.
On the other hand, it systematically analyzed the method that it could use the Regression Analysis to predict the yield of forest products in the income approach.
It is important to organize and manage information systematically so it can be use and ensuring the level of information relevancy in human life.
Data warehousing provides architectures and tools for business executives to systematically organize, understand, and use their data to make strategic decisions.
This thesis makes use of method of demonstration and comparison, and method of analyzing cases, and tries to analyze systematically the problems existing in the supplies of rural public goods.
The course systematically analyzes the different instruments and documents in common use.
Their reservoir damage mechanisms and degrees were systematically discussed and evaluated by the authors by use of modern core analysis means and a series of simulating experiments.
The second part discusses systematically the use of "rang" as a passive preposition.
The paper aims systematically at investigating how to use public credit registry(PCR) to serve capital regulation of banking system under Basel II.
Methods of predicting machine life has systematically summarized with the emphasis on those which use theoretical analysis to substitute large scale prototype experiments.
We use GPC, NMR and IR to systematically characterize each step of the molecular weight, molecular weight distribution and structure and identify them as the polymer of expected structures.
Combining the art and business systematically, maximizing the use of our advantages into the design concept, we enhance customer's brand image and values with professional personalized ideas.
The use of the XPS technique to systematically study the mol. structure of atranes is most interesting.
The temperature resistance of 10 kinds of domestic and overseas fluid loss additives is systematically researched by use of DTA and inherent viscosity of additives in aqueous solution after aging.
Technical standard system of coal used in coal chemical engineering should be researched and laid down systematically, so as to guide and standard the use of raw material coal in China.
Thus, I choose the colour Tv enterprises to be the study object, and use the competitive advantage theory to analyze their competitiveness completely and systematically.
Most companies know how they generate profit. The best ones use a profit map to systematically manage profits on a day-to-day basis.
有效的信用管理可以使销售资金的使用更符合公司的整体利益,求得“最低赊销 成本”和“最大销售成长”之间的平衡。
Most companies know how they generate profit. The best ones use a profit map to systematically manage profits on a day-to-day basis.
有效的信用管理可以使销售资金的使用更符合公司的整体利益,求得“最低赊销 成本”和“最大销售成长”之间的平衡。