I'm talking about four-week Treasury bills; 2.25% the Federal Funds Rate is still at 2.25% but at least the more prominent three-month T-bill rate is at the end.
Similar to the Eurodollar derivative, the T-bill contract is standardized to an amount of $1,000,000 so that each basis point change in the price (or rate) is worth $25 per contract.
Other requests have included asking for embassy staff to pay a bill when a credit card had "maxed out" and a traveller asking "Can you t ell me how to make my naughty son behave?"
“[T]he only thing inexpensive about Massachusetts’s health-care bill is that there you can get a $50 abortion, ” he growled.
So, no, Bill Gates won' t send you $5 for forwarding this chain email.
In meetings , i don ' t see bill gates or steve ballmer doing email ? they ' re actively engaged , and listening and asking questions.
Bill, don "t be such a cry baby about going to the dentist: all he" s going to do is clean your teeth.
Bill, don "t be such a cry baby about going to the dentist: all he" s going to do is clean your teeth.