The interest rate of T-Bills is determined at each auction, depending on what bidders are willing to pay.
But while T-bills are as safe from default as anything on the planet, they yield a very low rate of return.
但是虽然从违约来看 T-bill 和这颗星球上的其它事物一样安全,它的回报率却是极低的。
The Fed printed money to pay for these T-bills, so there is excess liquidity that is trapped in time-sensitive debt.
美联储通过印制钱币来支付这些短期国债,因此,流动性过多这部分被困在对 时间敏感的短期国债之中了。
It buys off toxic defaulting assets in exchange for cash and immediately reclaims the cash by selling the Banks' T-bills.
The answer is it's confined in temporary cash pools, whether in the Supplementary Financing Account or excess reserve deposits or in time-sensitive T-bills.
The fire sale of T-bills will paralyze the repo market, drive up the sweeping borrowing costs, suck dry the liquidity and close up the spread in the carry trade.
This thesis comes from a research topic "Government Cash Management and T-Bills Operation", which is cooperated by the People's Bank of China and Chinese Finance research Institute of SWUFE.
I'm talking about four-week Treasury bills; 2.25% the Federal Funds Rate is still at 2.25% but at least the more prominent three-month T-bill rate is at the end.
The 30-year T-bond stands at 2.82%, and three-month Treasury bills were sold last week for a yield of just 0.05%.
30年期国债收益率为2.82 % ,3个月国库券,上周实际收益率仅为0.05 %。
There are different rates for the different exchange instruments: the rate for T/Ts or cable rate, the rate for cheques and sight drafts (demand rate), the rate for 30-day bills, etc.
There are different rates for the different exchange instruments: the rate for T/Ts or cable rate, the rate for cheques and sight drafts (demand rate), the rate for 30-day bills, etc.