The viral DNA is injected through the tail into the host cell, where it directs the production of progeny phages.
Some of its fossils are so well preserved that scientists can see traces of cell structures that contained pigments. The finding led to colorful views of the cat-size animal, down to its striped tail.
It can be concluded that there are certain changes of cell apoptosis genes in pulmonary tissue of 7d tail suspended rats during simulated weightlessness.
OBJECTIVE To establish a cell culture of human nasal epithelial cells on glass cover slides coated with rat tail collagen and explore a method to research human mucociliary system.
Detecting DNA double-strand breaks(tail moment, TM) after radiation with neutral single cell gel electrophoresis.
The tail lengths of comet cell of all organs in group treated with high fluoride were increased compared with that of control group (P< 0.05).
This method involves purified glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins which can spontaneously incorporate their lipid tail into cell membranes.
Results: The granular cell in the flake of the mouse's tail in the test group was remarkable increased than that in the control group(P<0.05).
DMA damage were detected by single-cell gel electrophoresis assay. After exposure the relative tail length of the comets and cells with DNA migration were increased.
To investigate the changes and its protection of cell apoptosis in pulmonary tissues of tail-suspended rats in simulated weightlessness condition.
Results 15 cases with cancer cell, 1 case with mildew was found in 90 cases of pleural effusion, cancer cell distribute on the tail of smear, only 2 ~ 5 cancer cells could be clearly diagnosed.
结果90例胸腔积液中15例查见癌细胞,1例查见霉菌;癌细胞主要分布于涂片的尾部,每张涂片仅有2 ~5个癌细胞时,亦可明确诊断。
Cholesterol is another lipid component of most cell membranes. It has a hydroxyl group, a tiny polar head group so to speak attached to a rigid hydrophobic tail.
Cholesterol is another lipid component of most cell membranes. It has a hydroxyl group, a tiny polar head group so to speak attached to a rigid hydrophobic tail.