Will it repel, as did the tainted-milk scandal?
More than a fifth of mainland dairy producers are set to lose their licenses after inspections aimed at preventing a repeat of the 2008 tainted-milk scandal, state media reported.
In an ever richer China greater action on sulphur seems all but inevitable, and some sort of air-pollution equivalent of 2008's tainted-milk crisis might bring it about precipitously.
As the tainted milk scandal shows only too clearly, this is a volatile combination.
Some parents say their children are still suffering horrendous effects from tainted milk.
One family in the remote Gangsu province have just accepted $29, 000 in compensation for the death of their baby son who died after drinking milk tainted with melamine.
甘肃省偏远地区的一家人接受了29000美元的补偿金,这笔钱是赔偿因饮用三聚氰胺 灌装牛奶而导致他们孩子死亡用的。
The tainted milk powder was traced to Lekang Dairy Company in Weinan, Shaanxi.
Impounded food is buried, and tainted milk is diluted to acceptable levels of radioactivity and sold to consumers, she says.
But among the recent findings, state media reported, was that the producer was selling melamine-tainted condensed milk that had been recalled in 2008 and should have been destroyed.
"I feel sorry for them, but they are just scapegoats," said Liu Donglin, 28, who said his 21-month-old son had kidney stones after drinking tainted milk formula.
Last August, hundreds of thousands of children were sickened after drinking tainted milk, which was also blamed for the deaths of six babies.
Here's a clue: this week a court in Hebei refused to accept a lawsuit by the families of children sickened and killed by the tainted milk.
In 2008, melamine-tainted milk powder killed at least six infants and sickened 300,000 children across the country, which led to consumers in China losing faith in the country's diary industry.
On Monday, China's Ministry of Health announced that the number of children sickened by tainted milk products now totals 294,000, more than five times a previous official estimate.
But among the recent findings, state media reported, that the producer was selling melamine-tainted condensed milk that had been recalled in 2008 and should have been destroyed.
As early as 1842, a temperance crusader named Robert Hartley warned that city milk was catastrophically tainted.
As early as 1842, a temperance crusader named Robert Hartley warned that city milk was catastrophically tainted.