That is true even in Germany, as its export markets falter and domestic demand fails to take up the slack.
Indeed, such strong figures have encouraged some analysts to predict that consumers will take up some of the slack in a slowing economy.
And there is nothing in the European data suggesting that the private sector will be ready to take up the slack in less than two years.
Or can exports take up the slack?
At the same time, the aggregate wage cost that firms bear has fallen sharply as expensive baby-boomers retire and cheap, non-regular employees take up the slack.
Limited supplies of tellurium and indium could reduce the prospects for some types of thin-film solar cells, though not for all; the other types might be able to take up the slack.
A Buffer is an "extra" that helps take up the slack until things get back to normal.
With public spending shrinking the private sector has a lot of slack to take up.
With just four big accounting firms remaining, and none of the next tier big enough to take up the slack, the corporate world cannot easily handle another accounting-firm failure.
He hopes the United States, the world's top exporter of wheat, will take up the slack in global supply.
But many analysts are questioning whether India - with its overstretched, underdeveloped infrastructure and its poorly educated youth - really has the capacity to take up the slack.
American businesses are looking to markets abroad to take up the slack.
Take up any slack in the tape with a pencil or similar tool before use.
The American consumer is faltering, British shoppers are heavily in debt and anxious Germans are unlikely to take up the slack.
You simply take up the slack given for the flat spin rotation and fly off.
New sources of oil will take up the slack resulting from the embargo.
The sailor pull at the rope to take up the slack.
But multinational makers of fast-moving consumer goods are finding it harder to rely on China to take up the slack for other regions.
The sailors pulled at the rope to take up the slack.
Without consumer demand to take up the slack, industry can't maintain its strong growth.
Shoppers, out in force for Singles Day, helped take up the slack.
That my biology course is less than palatable and they need to take up the slack - or snack - with what amounts to a picnic?
Compounding matters, the industry will no longer be able to rely on a rising population of new "wealth accumulators" to take up the slack.
Compounding matters, the industry will no longer be able to rely on a rising population of new "wealth accumulators" to take up the slack.