Can we take it as read that you want the job?
The idea quickly spread, and Todd made a wise decision to set up Little Free Library as a non-profit organization with signs that read "Little Free Library: Take a Book, Return a Book."
Your transform will take one of the two files as its primary input, and will use the content tag to read, parse, and load into memory the second file.
Granted, you can't take everything you read on the Internet as the absolute truth.
Once that bite is down continue conversation or finish read further into that article.So long as your focus goes back to the food once you take another bite.
Take a sentence such as "Sarah Palin read Chomsky's latest book." In Russian, the verb would have to indicate whether the whole book was read or not.
Smaller posts don’t take as much time to write or read, which is good for a lazy blogger. And a busy reader.
The men, rugged-looking and some of them with flecks of gray in their beards, look daunted but determined as they take turns standing up before the class to read basic sentences off the blackboard.
Take notes either in the margins of your source (if you are using a photocopy or your own book) or on a separate sheet as you read. Put away that highlighter!
With some books I'll also take notes as I read. Again the act of typing or writing makes the information much more a part of you.
Take it from a writer whose eighth-grade paper was read aloud as an example of how NOT to write.
To take advantage of the new features and cleanup, read through the NEWS list (see Resources), as it will contain the most up-to-date information about what is included (or not included) in PHP V6.
为了利用最新的特性和了解删除的特性,请仔细阅读NEWS列表(见参考资料),它包含PHPV6 添加或删除的特性的最新信息。
Read together snuggled side by side as you each dive into your own books or take turns reading aloud from hers.
Once that bite is down continue conversation or finish read further into that article. So long as your focus goes back to the food once you take another bite.
This includes the UI tier - for identifying objects on which create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations will take place - as well as the service and data tiers.
With the Odyssey, I found at first that it was hard to take in as much when I read aloud as when I read silently to myself. But that changed.
He read them aloud, and Martin approved, worrying at the same time as to when Joe would take himself off.
Updating of requirements attributes, as well as most of the changes made to requirements, will also take place at Site A. Site B also needs read/write access to requirements.
对需求特性的更新以及大部分对需求的更改也都将在Site A发生。 SiteB也需要对需求的读/写访问。
Whenever you read a new email, take as little time as possible to figure out.
Perhaps so, but then, what really makes a difference is not so much what you sow, as where you sow it, how you tend your crop, what care you take and even, how well you read the weather.
A man's head is enclosed by a big, pillow-shaped machine. Scientists in white coats take notes as the machine scans the subject's brain waves, seeking to penetrate his thoughts-to read his mind.
So, take a gander at another code comparison - this time using the PHP language - starting with read, then going on to create, delete, and update, as with the code comparisons above.
You cannot therefore take everything as read today as after many years it carries inaccuracies, and not least of all because of the number of times it will have been translated.
Harry read the words slowly, as though he would have only one chance to take in their meaning, and he read the last of them aloud.
Now, obviously, she didn't say but she did take this sign as a souvenir. This is what it read.
We can take it as read that the newspapers will support our opponents.
Take your time as you read this book, mark it up, return to the sections that interest you most.
Take your time as you read this book, mark it up, return to the sections that interest you most.