Nonetheless, it is commonplace for Web servers to simply take relative directory names as the basis of URIs.
It is our hope that the CD can take these documents as a basis for negotiating and concluding a new outer space legal instrument.
Lt Gen Sir Nick Parker, who will take over shortly as Britain's senior commander in Afghanistan, said: "I hope we don't make strategic decisions on the basis of this low-level, terrible action."
Ideally, designing and executing tests should take place when the software is delivered, and the system documentation should not be used exclusively as the test basis. 2.
In addition, it is a mistake for Popper to take Tarski's truth theory as the basis of his concept of verisimilitude.
This debate is take the science as the basis, you have prepared for?
Whenever necessary, the Customs may make arrangements for analysis and inspection and take the results it confirms as the basis for classification.
In the reality life, everyone should understand law, abide law, enforce law, take the fact as the basis, and take the law as the criterion.
We should focus on the culture take advantage of governance as the basis and the external supervision as the means for promoting the scientific operation of listed companies.
If necessary, the customs may organize laboratory tests and inspections, and take the results of test and inspection as the basis of determining the classification of the commodities.
The concrete volume also take Shuowen as the basis.
To realize the strategic changes in industrial structure, we must be take accurate quantitative analysis as a basis.
This thesis take the characteristic of thought and images thinking and so on as principle theory basis, carry out research from four parts combining with practical teaching.
Therefore, we should take the legal responsibility quantity individual sensation ability as the basis.
Take the powder of tin, silver and copper solder as the basis to make solder paste and simulate soldering.
Archives department in enterprise should take measures to increase the utilization ratio of archives, so as to provide the basis for leading group and serve the production and management.
Abstract: : China is a country with statute laws, and the judges hearing the case follow the principle of "take facts as the basis and the laws as the criterion".
Vasumathi Suresh can neither practice as an attorney on a regular basis advising clients on United States law nor can take the bar exam and practice in the state of Illinois.
However, we do strongly recommend students take exams on a regular basis as this increases the chances of success.
The second part take Booth's theory as the basis, the narrative way will be divided into the narration and the demonstration with discussion about their origin and connotation separately.
The exploitation and utilization planning of water resources should take the simulation of the water resources system as the basis.
The company since was established, receives take customer satisfaction as the basis, the smiling service, the good faith entertains a guest, trains many inter-disciplinary talents.
But in the contemporary era, Continental laws have formed the principle on the basis of the adjudged force, while Anglo-American laws take protection against double jeopardy as the basis of it.
We believed that should have the manufacture take the power and responsibility as the state-owned capital management budget system's accounting basis.
Objective Discusses the non-fungus urethritis mycoplasma infection and bears the medicine present situation, provides the basis take the time as the clinical medication.
From email and research, to purchases and social networking, cross-device is the basis for every action we take as consumers on the Internet.
In the economic activities which take humans as the very basis, "non-human" factors will be effectively inhibited and the economy will further humanization.
In the economic activities which take humans as the very basis, "non-human" factors will be effectively inhibited and the economy will further humanization.