I'm not going to sit around and take the blame for a mistake he made.
The government will have to take the blame for the riots.
Why should I take the blame for somebody else's mistakes?
For sure, depression and anxiety can take a serious toll on productivity, and companies bear their share of the blame for promoting stress in the first place.
We would rather justify, rationalize, explain and blame someone or something for our obesity, than take complete responsibility for our fat selves.
And for all the easy shots you can take, can you blame them?
That is why they should not be so fast to take all the blame - or credit - for everything that their children become.
We can blame the state of our lives on others, society, or our environment, but we will never be free unless we take responsibility for own freedom.
What should have been a chance to back domestic peace talks (which have not happened) could instead be a moment for recrimination, with Pakistanis to take the blame.
We want the patient to assume responsibility, to take some blame, to pay for mistakes, and to bear some shame.
Let me blame the chemical in my brain and not take responsibility for the fact that I can't cope... and take responsibility by examining your own participation and defining what your choices are.
Decide today to give up the blame game and take responsibility for your own life by mastering the art of self-discipline.
The WCRF figures do not take into account cancer that would be prevented by giving up smoking. Tobacco is to blame for around a third of cases of the disease.
He believed, he said, in “the silence of clothing”.Yet perhaps he must take some of the blame for the new cacophony.
Psychologists must take some of the blame for this raging fashion for goal-setting.
It seems hard to imagine that anyone of sound mind would take the blame for something he did not do.
Obama can hardly take all the blame for thesurprising persistence of high unemployment and slow growth.
Cheney, stressing repeatedly that he and Bush had kept the US from a further attack after 9/11, appears to be setting up Obama to take the blame for another terrorist attack.
Patients often take the blame for not following up on treatment recommendations.
The most distinctive Capricorn personality is readiness to take blame on his head, which other people always take for granted.
Victims refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and emotions.Victims would rather sit back passively and give their power away by placing blame on an external trigger.
Victims refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and emotions. Victims would rather sit back passively and give their power away by placing blame on an external trigger.
You goal is to move on, and end your self-blame and regret - even if making amends for some sins might take a longer time.
Take an honest look at your behavior and ask yourself if you might be to blame for your repeated job loss.
For better or worse, parents have limited power to influence their children. That is why they should not be so fast to take all the blame - or credit - for everything that their children become.
People who were not themselves "to blame" for a terrible situation also did not take responsibility for rescuing its victims.
Clouds are huge fluffy things that float and take on a million, ever-changing forms, so you can't blame people for thinking that anything is possible in this industry.
I will take responsibility for my thoughts and not put the responsibility or blame on others.
That driver should take the blame for this accident.
That driver should take the blame for this accident.