We start at this lower energy state and go up that means we need to absorb a photon, we have to take in energy.
However, sometimes we can take advantage of plastic deformation. The crumple zones in a car absorb energy by undergoing plastic deformation before they break.
Don't be too quick to react. You have to absorb the moment, take it in, and then respond. That's one of the keys to success.
We should not indulge ourselves in complaining or absorb ourselves into pessimistic predictions. Instead, we should take measures to improve the current traffic condition.
Don't just focus on the first few words your partner says - listen to their whole statement, take a moment to absorb it, and then think about what you want to say in a return.
The civil Code should absorb the inherent character of Western civil law so as to help the civil law and its idea take root in China.
So my first reaction was that it will take a little chewing in order to absorb it.
And as growing grapes absorb carbon dioxide, they take in trace amounts of the heavier carbon isotope-which eventually show up in the wine.
These hemostatic textile materials can form colloidal particles in liquids, absorb activated platelets and take part in hemostasia. The platelet adhesion rate of these materials is about 50%.
Too much insulin causes our cells to take up or absorb too much sugar so that there isn't much sugar left in our blood.
Too much insulin causes our cells to take up or absorb too much sugar so that there isn't much sugar left in our blood.