This here'll take a minute. Y'all just talk amongst yourselves.
Just take a minute to read today's verse and really let it sink in.
Take a deep breath and try to forget anyone or anything that's around you and just focus in on God for a minute.
Why don't we go ahead for those of you who need a bit of a rest bit, let's take a two minute break and we'll resume with just some final thoughts on 50.
The next time you find yourself saying “hmmmm that's weird” or dismissing someone because “oh they're so weird” take a minute to think – not weird just different.
下一次,当你想说“这件事真变态”或者“这个人真变态”的时 候,请停下来先想一想——那并不是变态而只是不同。
Harvey: it won't take a minute, If you could just give your name, your title and a description of what you do.
In the meantime, bring a pot of water to a boil. Salt the water and blanch the vegetables very briefly, just long enough to take the raw edge off, no more than a minute.
“If you're going to take a minute, ” Mr. Morrow cautions, “I've just identified your weakness.”
But, mom, I should take all my sailing notes, just a minute.
All of these are good projects for 10 minute attacks. Start by breaking it down. Take just a small bite.
Just take a look at this paper. One minute is enough.
Take a minute to just stand outside where ever you are and just soak it all in.
These are stocked for this season only. Are you sure you don't want to just take a minute to look around?
Take a minute and breathe deeply. Clear your mind and just breathe.
Please take a minute to submit a comment saying you support ending this discriminatory treatment of people with HIV. Just click below - it only takes a minute.
Wait a minute... Hmmm... he's just out here. May I take a message?
At a time when we turn the page on one year and look ahead to the future, I just want to take a minute to thank you for everything you've done to make America stronger these past eight years.
Or, if you're somewhere else, say, waiting for a train or at the doctor's office, close your eyes, pop in your headphones, and just take a minute to slow down.
Just take a 30-minute nap, and you will return to the job with renewed vigour. A nap is like a restart button for life.
I just wanted to take a minute of your time to say "thank you, thank you, thank you!"
So just take a minute to think about it: What do you really want to do?
But don't wait too long. 'if you're going to take a minute,' Mr. Morrow cautions, 'I've just identified your weakness.'
Take a nap: Just take a 30-minute nap, and you will return to the job with renewed vigour. A nap is like a restart button for life.
'If you're going to take a minute, ' Mr. Morrow cautions, 'I've just identified your weakness. '
'If you're going to take a minute, ' Mr. Morrow cautions, 'I've just identified your weakness. '