Responsible cadres at various levels must take the lead and study well.
Studies are uncovering how our mundane, everyday habits — what we eat, the pills we take, how we rest, and even our confidence levels — have a big impact on our brain.
But even that will take new perspectives and levels of cooperation that have not often been evident in these disputes.
They see the activities we take part in as moving our happiness levels within the set range determined by our genetics and our life circumstances.
And while the World Cup here was viewed as a success on many levels, some felt the event would take a huge bite out of poverty.
What it does is take precise measurements of the levels of neurological activity in a brain.
Eni's chairman, Giuseppe Recchi, recently told analysts that it would probably take a year to return Libya to normal export levels.
埃尼公司董事长Giuseppe Recchi最近对分析家说,利比亚回复正常出口水平大概要花一年时间。
Every SLA must take into consideration the service levels supported by downstream services and components it invokes.
The Strategy calls upon all stakeholders to take action at global, regional and local levels to improve diets and physical activity patterns at the population level.
And we need to take appropriate steps on the pr, legal, and other levels to counter that sort of thing.
Some take on leadership roles at the highest levels.
Take note of their face, their enthusiasm and energy levels.
In the new normal, America's tax take will move closer to European levels and the mix will have to become more efficient.
Planning: Activities that take place at multiple levels, with different goals.
Different colors denote different levels of redundancy, thus helping you decide the action to take for these applications.
Technical management approval (at one or more levels) might also need to take place in the United States.
Although the price of oil has reached record levels recently, the country has not been able to take full advantage because production at Mexican Wells is slowing.
Take a look at various ways of authenticating to a CM system and various levels of authorization.
By sticking to simple semantics scales, REST can take advantage of all levels of caching between clients and the server.
Part 4: industry professionalism examines steps the software industry at large must take to support professionalism at the individual and organizational levels.
The forecasts take into account el Nino and la Nina, ballooning greenhouse gas levels as well as solar effect and natural variations in the world's oceans.
At night, it's the extra-sensitive rods that take over — this is why it's difficult to detect color in low levels of light.
Often teams take the simple approach of ranking stories from 1 to 5 to reflect increasing levels of uncertainty.
Service providers supporting service provisioning using OVF over OCCI need to take care that these levels are met.
Now that we have identified the key levels of abstraction, let's take a closer look at the relationships between them.
For them, being in charge delivers such a thrill that they willingly take on levels of responsibility most rational people would find overwhelming.
For them, being in charge delivers such a thrill that they willingly take on levels of responsibility most rational people would find overwhelming.