DO take photo of the sampling procedure carried out by the supplier. File it onboard.
You will have the very chance to take photo of sunset prayer, and it must be a good one.
You do like photography? The weather is turning warmer, Spring is a good season for Travelling. I think you travel and take photo of many scenery recently.
Visit Four & Five-star hotels in Beijing and collect the public information. Normally you just need to take photo of the information. However there might be some information need to write down.
After climbing up a hill for a panoramic view of the blue sea, white buildings and green olive trees, I paused to catch my breath and then positioned myself to take the best photo of this panorama.
Just the act of planning to take a photo—and not actually taking it—had the same joy-boosting effect.
Seeing this, God would take a photo of me.
I liked him so much that I asked a visitor to take a photo of that painting and me.
The tourist thought that no one would believe him, so he decided to take a photo of the kangaroo.
Recently, he was trying to take a picture of a sunset to enter the school photo competition.
The photo, Baby, Mom Take You Home, deeply touches the hearts of millions of people, which is regarded as a symbol of a mother's love.
After your initial upload - which may take a while, so set it up before you go to sleep - you will have a full backup of your photo library.
If you like to set up your decorations the same way each year, don't leave it to your memory. Write it down, take a photo of it and store in binder.
Almost assuredly, you’ve seen the use of selective chromacity: an artist will take a photo and remove color from everything except the area of focus.
Take, for example, the above photo of Gran Bahia Principe Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. Crowded with lots of chairs and lots of people, it's anything but deserted.
With a touch of the shutter button, you can continuously take multiple shots and combines them into a photo collage.
The idea is simple: you take a photo of your surroundings and set this photo as your desktop wallpaper.
For example, Amazon's app lets people scan bar codes, speak into the phone or take a photo of an item to search for products.
Many letters are like the ones Mr. Bolick sends: from inmates with plenty of free time asking to meet famous people featured in profiles and photo spreads. But they take on all forms.
To know there was any sort of photo made of the man is impressive, to take into account this is the last known is more so. You are welcome.
A camera doesn't take the photo, nor does any piece of photographic equipment.
Here’s a neat variation on a framed photo: Take a favorite snapshot of the two of you and have it printed on stretched canvas to hang on the wall instead.
海量选择的镶框照片 :挑选你们两人最中意的照片,印上画布,挂在墙上。
Take a boring photo with your 50mm f/1.8 prime wide open, with a small sliver of your subject in focus.
Obviously, if you take a photo camera in your hands on 4th of July it is about picturing fireworks.
At this time of day you need to filter out the red light to take a good photo.
For most of us, our memories fade as we age, and only the occasional song, smell or photo will take us back to a particular time and place.
Today, a lady stopped me in the streets of Buffalo to take my photo for the local paper - fame at last!
Today, a lady stopped me in the streets of Buffalo to take my photo for the local paper - fame at last!