You've got to believe in yourself to make your buyer take stock in you at par and accrued interest.
Mortal death is merely a transition to allow the soul to take stock in order to determine the next level of experience needed along its ascending path.
But a cheap stock can become an expensive stock in a very short period of time for a host of reasons, some of which are likely due to speculation by others. Take your gains and move on.
Take the staff at my local grocery store. In a typical visit someone will fumble your credit card; forget what's in stock or where it goes; enter the wrong price; or ignore the basics of bagging.
In this case, I take stock data from a 31-day period for two companies.
I'm not going to put Yale's entire portfolio in Google stock, I'm not going to go back and take Yale's entire portfolio to day-trade bond futures; in part, because it would be bad for me personally.
Jones, why were you stupid enough to shoot your mouth off all over town about our plan to buy enough stock in that company to take it over?
With those stakes in mind, representatives from more than 120 nations went to Egypt to take stock of efforts to contain the virus.
So take stock of your emotional state, and know what you want in the aftermath of a breakup.
That doesn't take away the fact that valuations in many Asian stock markets are no longer looking cheap.
In some cases it leaves stock management in the hands of its suppliers and does not take ownership of the products until the moment they are sold.
They also take a far bigger chunk of their package in long-term incentives, such as stock options.
Marketmakers, who are responsible for providing liquidity in trading situations, must often take naked short positions when there is more demand for a stock than supply.
As part of a migration assessment, it is important to take stock of the various types of components in your application.
Still it's useful to take stock of the roadblocks in order to develop an effective strategy for moving forward.
More sophisticated retail sites have search functions that take into account a customer's past behavior to suggest certain items, as well as more accurate data on which items are in stock.
In order to really understand how serious the problem is we first must take stock of the immense impact water has on our daily lives and our ability to provide for a better future.
To all those in charge of our young people's welfare, I can do no better than proffer some impromptu advice and implore them to take stock of the situation.
That means cleaning out the shareholders in failed institutions, making bondholders take a haircut, and canceling the stock options of executives who got rich playing heads I win, tails you lose.
So a stock market rebound could take place sometime in the first half of 2009.
The stock of debt that banks and households still carry will take years to pay off. The hole in the balance-sheet must be sealed before the economy can regain its bounce.
It will be a time to take profits when you have them, to control losses and to not fall in love with any stock or sector.
The ratings agency outlook and concerns about the strength of the U.S. economic recovery helped cause U.S. stock markets to take a sharp drop at the opening of trading in New York Monday.
This is a great opportunity to take stock of what you absolutely love, things that work for you and will work in your new space.
Right now, take stock of life and think about the speed at which you live, the tone that exists in your home and the messages that are being Shared.
Soon after Hanna acquired the manuscript and before he could take it overseas, his entire stock disappeared in a robbery.
Soon after Hanna acquired the manuscript and before he could take it overseas, his entire stock disappeared in a robbery.