In modern China, women do not take their husbands' last names after marriage, and sometimes, children even take their mothers' last names, and not their fathers!
“They take care of us and we take care of them,” said Kate Rogers, 66, who recently retired after working for 20 years at the company, most recently as a factory tour guide.
66岁的KateRogers说道:“他们照顾我们,我们照顾他们。” 她在公司工作了20年之后刚刚退休,现在主要是担任公司的向导。
My experience (and from talking to others) is that it will take you 2 or 3 times as long as you think it will take to succeed after Business School.
When they take a detour, we can, after all, take a number of management measures to prevent such ACTS as much as possible.
If I ask you take a 10-minute writing test after we speak, take it.
"They take care of us and we take care of them," said Kate Rogers, 66, who recently retired after working for 20 years at the company, most recently as a factory tour guide.
Although he may have encouraged people to take HIV tests, some may take Mr Zuma's negative result to imply that his risky behaviour was not so foolish after all.
Take that feeling and use it to take action right now. Go after what you want, even though you may not believe that it is possible.
After I hadrecognized you today–I had to take such a leap–I had to take a leap over mywhole life to get back to that time.
Much of the Senate bill would take effect nine months after enactment while some portions would take effect sooner.
A jump rope can go anywhere with you. Take it to work, take it to school. Warm up before your basketball game or cool down after a bike ride.
After landing, please take the transit bus. It will take you directly to the Arrival Hall.
From the viewpoint of performing CITES, it is illustrated in this article that the rights we can take and the responsibilities we must take after access to WTO.
They can take, like after they finish university, they can take a year off and go around the world.
Take the first left after the Microsoft building and then take the third right.
After you start employment, you can take a test to become certified or take additional courses, if necessary.
After changing, we can chat, take some photos, or take a walk outside.
Ok. Everyone take a listen, Where we can freely, take photos, view scenery, after an hour here set.
We can take a balanced approach is to save overtime, wait until after a period of time, please take a holiday to spend time with his family.
In addition, which married the bride will take a set of daily clothes? Will face such a big thing, cleansing, take home the suit after the interview?
Okay. Take one pill three times a day after meals. You can take the cough syrup as needed.
The criminals begin to take some new methods including using legal professionals to help them launder money after many states take effective countermeasures.
The criminals begin to take some new methods including using legal professionals to help them launder money after many states take effective countermeasures.