The fjords and islands of Chilean Patagonia take the brunt of the prevailing westerlies that wail across the southern seas.
The dollar continued to take the brunt of investors' ire over the situation in the U.
Your boss may be on the rampage and you certainly don't want to be the one to take the brunt of a bad situation.
Facebook seems to take the brunt of the backlash because of its size, but that hasn't changed our silly new idea that all of these companies have our best interests in mind.
Under normal operation about 60 percent of braking power goes to the front wheels which, because of load transfer under deceleration, take the brunt of the retardation duties.
The local population is likely to take the brunt of the military offensive in the region, just as it has in the nearby Swat Valley where an estimated 2.5 million people have been displaced.
The mechanism distinguishes a “solvency” crisis from a “liquidity” one, with bondholders in insolvent countries expected to take the brunt of losses, but does not come into force until 2013.
While Houston did not take the brunt of the storm the way Galveston did, Ike did knock out the city's water pumping systems, and that was sufficient to threaten the whole health-care system.
The mechanism distinguishes a "solvency" crisis from a "liquidity" one, with bondholders in insolvent countries expected to take the brunt of losses, but does not come into force until 2013.
Take that misplaced center of gravity and put it into running shoes, which naturally tip you forward with a heel higher than the toe, and your feet and ankles start to bear the brunt of any impact.
Take that misplaced center of gravity and put it into running shoes, which naturally tip you forward with a heel higher than the toe, and your feet and ankles start to bear the brunt of any impact.