Take the elevator to the second floor.
Just take the elevator to the second floor and turn left.
Take the elevator to the escalator ride it down and start again!
Please take the elevator to the eighth floor and his office is Room 808.
Just take the elevator to the second floor and then go down the stairs.
Our Chinese restaurant is located on the 4th floor; you can take the elevator to get there.
Mr. White is waiting for you. Please take the elevator to the eighth floor and his office is Room 808.
Take the elevator to the basement. Go down the hall and turn right. The X-ray room will be on your left.
You can take the elevator to the lobby and walk towards the Reception Center and turn left to the center of the lobby.
您可以乘坐电梯到一楼大堂,然后向前台走, 商务中心就在左手边。
Yunnan restaurant is located on the 4th floor; you need to take the elevator to 4th floor and change to escalator to the 5th floor.
Whether you take the elevator to the top of the Hancock Tower or whether you walk up the stairs, the change in gravitational potential is identical.
After you go two more blocks you will see the restaurant on the left hand side of the street. Take the elevator to the second floor and wait for me there.
Keep in mind, if the movement before you take the subway words so suggest you take the elevator to the stairs up, as long as you discover moment can exercise.
If you hear the sound of fire they should leave the room not to take anything out, but also not to take the elevator to leave the building as soon as possible!
One night, Ed had to take the elevator to the sixth floor to get records. As the elevator door opened, there was a man standing right in front of him staring at him.
When the elevator power cut, it can check the elevator quickly, and take the elevator to the level position to open the door, let passengers walk out the elevator safely.
Miners must drop metal tokens bearing their identification Numbers into a wooden box decorated with the colors of the Hungarian flag before gathering in a wooden elevator to take them into the shaft.
Your friend says, so you have to take the new nanotube elevator (made of microscopic fibers many times stronger than steel) 60,000 miles into space.
An even more telltale sign: Do you take the elevator instead of the stairs to avoid this feeling?
Many folks mistakenly believe that 30 minutes of exercise on the treadmill is license to take the elevator, park in the closest space, or sit on the couch the rest of the day.
They personified a spreading everything-for-nothing culture—the corrosive idea that young men and women could take the elevator straight to the top, if only they were pretty or lucky enough.
They personified a spreading everything-for-nothing culture—the corrosive idea that young men and women could take the elevator straight to the top, if only they were pretty or lucky enough.