If the bleeding has stopped, cover the area with a bandage and take the person to the hospital.
One reason doctors take temperatures is to cover themselves against negligence claims.
She tried to cover her necklace with the collar of her overcoat while she used the other hand to take off both of her earrings and then quickly threw them on the ground.
The low growth form can also permit the plants to take advantage of the insulation provided by a winter snow cover.
I thought it would be wise to take out forward exchange cover to protect our position on the outstanding contracts.
Jenifer received great support from her family as she worked to earn her degree: Her husband worked two jobs to cover the bills, and her 68-year-old mother helped take care of the children at times.
But he does take care to cover his tracks.
On the cover, a rancher poses with her three children while waiting to take part in a rodeo.
If you have a longer distance to cover, you can cycle to the station and take bikes on buses and trains, and when you arrive, cycle the rest of the way.
They are to take all the articles used for ministering in the sanctuary, wrap them in a blue cloth, cover that with hides of sea cows and put them on a carrying frame.
We will cover this topic in detail in a future article that will take you through all the necessary steps to make this work.
There are many locations for files to be stored, and you should take great care to ensure you cover important, but often forgotten, areas like kernel drivers and libraries and configuration.
Ergo, tall people walk more economically because they have longer strides and take fewer steps to cover the same distance.
My cover was blown, so I asked her to take a walk with me to the Yale Art Gallery to see the Mark Rothko exhibit.
But it appears that warmer spring temperatures drive lizards to take cover and rest-rather than gather the food necessary to spur reproduction.
He doesn't take her to work, but he has a backup body pillow with the same Nemutan cover inside his desk drawer in case he has to work late at his tech-support job.
A relatively short publication (7 pages including the cover and contact page) will take you to the explanation about what is ERP and what is PLM with examples about roles of these systems.
What would be a reasonable rate to pay a child-minder to take care of your kids, for instance, or someone to cover your chores for you?
If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of it?
Wokai doesn't take a penny from the money pledged, relying instead on donations and sponsorship to cover its running costs.
Take cover as quickly as you can, below ground if possible, and stay there until instructed to do otherwise.
It's doubtful it can cover the losses it agreed to take under the New Deal without going belly up.
So take exercise, eat sensibly, drink in moderation, stop smoking, buy insurance and try to plan management cover in the event of an accident or other enforced absence.
Smaller people tire faster because they take more steps to cover the same distance or travel the same steps as taller people. Their strides are shorter.
Naval cover is stretched thinly over a vast tract of ocean, so delivering suspects to Kenya, say, would take a valuable warship off patrol.
I managed to take three frames before a mass of United fans piled over and on top of me as they tried to reach their hero. I had to cover up and try and protect all my equipment around me.
I managed to take three frames before a mass of United fans piled over and on top of me as they tried to reach their hero. I had to cover up and try and protect all my equipment around me.