Pharmaceutical industry: granular tablet, granule taken with water, granular capsule.
The basement was littered with debris and the walls were boarded up where the water had coursed through and taken out one side of the house.
In many cases, such as landscape shots of lakes, water is taken with a long exposure to create a smooth soft texture, where as in this case, we aim to capture a sharp clear shot.
Water boiled with basil leaves should be taken as a drink, and also used as a gargle to relieve a sore throat.
Betsey had taken to Arkansas like a duck to water and had done a great job putting together an organization of my old supporters and new people who were disenchanted with Governor White.
While Jezebel was killing off the Lord 's prophets, Obadiah had taken a hundred prophets and hidden them in two caves, fifty in each, and had supplied them with food and water.
British environmental expert said Monday that water shortages in China already were reaching "incredible" proportions, with Shanghai particularly vulnerable unless drastic action is taken quickly.
Only steps are taken to deal with this problem immediately can we avoid a severe world wide water shortage later on.
This powder mixed with water, taken three or four times daily reduces sugar in the urine and allays thirst.
The electromagnetic eddy current brake is taken as auxiliary brake with water-cooled or air-cooled. EATON brake is also available.
The design and operation conditions of enclosed type circulating cooling water system of rubber plant show that the technical measures taken are feasible and with certain advantages.
Then with the use of washing water, the cloth is washed and then finally taken out of the steamer body.
For a well producing from reservoir with bottom water and gas cap, the water and gas avoidances must lie taken into consideration for its position of optimum perforation.
Traditional oxygen treatment is that oxygen is taken by patients through humidification fluid with distilled water.
When taken into the stomach, the water is transmitted to the kidney with the collective action of the spleen, the lung, the liver and the triple energizer.
Therefore, this conclusion should be taken into account when we study how to select one circulation pump with reason in a hot-water supply system.
Conventional method for computing one-dimension water environmental capacity was introduced, with non-uniformity factor taken into account.
For oral use, 1 pack 2 ~ 3 times daily. Pills are to be taken before a meal and sleep with warm boiled water. (it is the best to be taken with warm yellow rice wine).
口服,一次1袋,一日2 ~3次。饭前及晚睡前温热开水送服(用温热黄酒送服最佳)。
Thus, with the effects of seepage face taken into account, a numerical model for spring-neap tidal water table fluctuations is developed.
One capsule per day taken with juice or water, with or without meals.
Take one capsule two to three times daily, preferably with meals or may be taken as a tea by opening capsule into a cup, then adding hot water.
More and more researches have shown that, property system can distribute the scarce resources with high efficiency; water rights and water market has been taken into practices in many countries.
With the geographic features and geographic allocations of water resources in China taken into consideration, the adoption of full-face TBM has been offered broad prospects.
Therefore, the barrier distribution should be taken into consideration for the perforation of reservoir with bottom water and gas cap.
When a person is bitten by an animai, wash the wound with cold running water before he/she is taken to see a doctor.
A core taken so as to preserve the in-situ water saturation of the rock. A native-state core is usually drilled with oil-base mud or crude oil from the same reservoir.
A core taken so as to preserve the in-situ water saturation of the rock. A native-state core is usually drilled with oil-base mud or crude oil from the same reservoir.