Because the dam is taking apart, all the villagers will remove to a safer place.
But the figures are worth taking apart.
Computer guy: would you mind taking apart my computer, fixing it and putting it back together for me.
Unfortunately, the documentation on both the BCEL and FindBugs support for taking apart a class is weaker than you might like.
After taking apart the front tire, front fender, front break, front pack holder, seat and steering, we could finally fit the bike in the box.
We often try to understand problems by taking apart and studying their constituent parts. But emergent problems can't be understood this way.
通常我们都试图通过肢解并研究其组成部的方式去琢磨问题,然而动态问题(emergent problems)是无法用这种方式去认识的。
Fourier transform is kind of like taking apart a puzzle, you start with a completed picture and end up with smaller pieces that each make up part of the whole.
The price reduction caught the attention of iSuppli, an analysts' firm known for taking apart gadgets to estimate how much they cost their manufacturers to put together.
When multitudinous scholars were crazily appealing for post-modernism, while Jean Baudrillard was handing a sharp dagger, taking apart the body of the post-modern society.
Do you enjoy taking things apart and then putting them back together?
What am I doing? Taking its parts apart.
I recommend taking a few weeks to be apart: no meeting, no emails, no phone calls.
Living apart from him for the first time in 50 years is taking its toll.
In its simplest form, you are taking two snapshots of the same place, separated by a period of time, to see how far they have moved apart.
If you want to build lists instead of taking them apart, you need constructors.
Sometimes I imagine taking a page design that's too crowded and sticking it on a balloon, then blowing air in until everything on the page pulls apart to leave healthy gaps.
Taking two pictures of the same thing, spaced as far apart as a pair of eyes, will create the same effect.
In the past, a competitor might use patents to prevent you from selling a copy of something they made, but they couldn't prevent you from taking one apart to see how it worked.
This indicates how far apart the averages of two groups (in this case men and women) are, taking into account the range of values that contribute to each average.
He loved putting machines together as well as taking them apart.
Apart from taking out the cloze test, changes have been made in the following three aspects, namely, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and translation.
Our certification process begins by taking the piano apart, cleaning, inspecting and repairing as needed.
Luis Cuevas of the World Health Organization and the University of Liverpool in England and colleagues, taking two "spot" samples in the clinic an hour apart, and a third one the next day.
They show us a poet taking language apart and putting it back together in new ways, new configurations, new anatomies.
But apart from taking this precaution, once a name is adopted, everyone usually goes along with it.
But apart from taking this precaution, once a name is adopted, everyone usually goes along with it.