Richard will be taking minutes.
Not only is it a handy device for capturing your thoughts and taking minutes at a meeting, it's also an excellent telephone recorder, and MP3 player!
Taking Minutes at a Meeting: Many jobs involve attending meetings, at least occasionally. Often it is required that written records, called minutes, be kept of these meetings.
"Fourteen minutes," Chris said, taking a peep at his watch.
Taking a few minutes to watch a television show, listen to some music or just close your eyes can often improve your focus.
You may have left behind friends from high school, college, or previous workplaces. Taking a few minutes to reconnect can be really rewarding.
Taking the first several minutes after waking up to acclimate to my day reminds me that I'm not at the mercy of everyone else's agenda.
The update task is taking more than 15 minutes to finish updating all the views in all the databases that need updating.
You do this by taking a few minutes daily to clear your mind and visualizing your intended end-result.
On the Beagle, too, he would say, that he learned what he considered the golden rule for saving time; i.e., taking care of the minutes.
The process involves taking titanium dioxide and treating it with silica, silicone grease or silicic acid for a few minutes.
The tests described here were created in under 30 minutes, taking screen shots as we progressed.
Some 20 minutes later, the crew carefully brought the fish aboard for a brief photo opportunity, and then released him again, taking care to ensure he was swimming properly.
In just a few minutes, your correspondent witnessed a transport plane taking off, three fighter jets roaring overhead and a military helicopter rumbling to life.
I remind myself that the extra hours each day are well worth the occasional inconvenience of taking an unwanted break to nap for 20 minutes.
By taking a relaxing and regenerative break at least every 90 minutes, you increase your capacity to do more work.
I found myself taking a few minutes and reading a chapter or two just for the enjoyment.
It's definitely worth taking a few minutes to try at least a couple of them.
Since taking a taxi instead of a bus would save me 10 minutes, I head straight to the taxi stand.
Taking the stairs for a total of just two minutes, five days a week, gives you the same calorie-burning results as a 20-minute walk. Burns 100-140.
This command will take a few minutes to download the server + portal bundle so please wait until you see the following before taking the next step.
这行命令将会花上几分钟去下载打在一起的server +portal包,所以在进行下一步骤之前,请耐心等待直至看到如下内容。
It came down this morning near the village of Jannatabad in Qazvin province, about 75 miles north-west of Tehran, 16 minutes after taking off from Tehran's Imam Khomeini airport.
It really is okay to refuel by taking time for yourself... even if it's only with small actions like quietly drinking a cup of tea or visualizing a "safe place" for five minutes.
That means taking pictures 51 minutes later each day for a lunar month produces a similar figure eight in the sky.
Scientists have even proven that taking a 20-minute nap approximately eight hours after you have awaken will do more for your stamina than sleeping another 20 minutes in the morning.
They start by taking four pictures of the same patch of sky, with ten minutes between each exposure, and compare them on a computer screen.
They start by taking four pictures of the same patch of sky, with ten minutes between each exposure, and compare them on a computer screen.