You will learn to talk about problems and be more patient with people you don't agree with—a friend, or a mate in your workroom or company.
It's better to find another you trust to talk to, like a teacher or a friend.
If your friend is a little slower than you, it is fine for now; it will prevent you from pushing your pace and allow you to talk more during the run.
I like to talk to one friend at a time, which allows you to vary the tone and content to suit the person to whom you are talking.
If you have trouble, talk to a trusted friend for reassurance.
Got a significant other, best friend, family member, co-worker you can talk to? Bend their ear.
When a friend called you and you were not home, if they really wanted to talk to you, if it was urgent they called back.
Revel in the fact that you can talk to customers like a friend.
One way to tell if you're really friends is: your friend can talk about others he or she is attracted to without upsetting you.
Talk to a positive friend who can encourage you.
Call a close friend who you are comfortable with, or talk to a professional psychologist to help you get through the feelings of depression and pain.
If you can't talk to your parents right now, lean on a friend, teacher, or counselor.
If you feel you can't tell your parents, talk to a friend or someone else you trust.
"You guys should talk and get to know each other," our friend said.
Got a significant other, best friend, family member, co-worker you can talk to?
If you are an introvert and you want to be the gregarious person like you friend next door, all you need to do is talk to yourself.
Talk to a close friend or write down how you are feeling.
After the experiment you go and talk to your friend who was also doing the experiment.
Listen to your favorite music, talk to a friend or anything else that you enjoy.
How nice it is to have a friend like you to talk to and share things with.
Talk to the person affected. If you can't tell them, at least talk to a close friend.
As a friend in Congress once told me, "You are right about the importance of combining soft power with hard power, but I cannot talk about soft power and hope to get re-elected."
Upon receiving a call the friend or relative can then talk to you to find out what you need or visit if required.
Upon receiving a call the friend or relative can then talk to you to find out what you need or visit if required.