We can set off and create something that offers tangible proof of it.
They can also provide you with tangible proof of his infidelity.
Because God is indestructible, so is the visible, tangible proof of His love for me.
These objects and artifacts are tangible proof of the intellectual, artistic and social life of our ancestors.
"These findings show tangible proof that plant-to-plant communication occurs on the ecosystem level," says Alex Guenther, a co-author of the study.
And with those expectations, and the trust placed in us, have come unprecedented resources - tangible proof of the high value the world places on health.
But Cronkite sensed there was something more to the story than a third-rate burglary. He pleaded with the Post to share their documents as tangible proof.
This discovery is the first tangible proof of commerce in the recycling of ancient bronzes, "asserts Francesco Nicosia, archaeological superintendent of Tuscany."
Each is tangible proof of literacy's profound and positive influence on women living in very different circumstances -from rural environments to immigrant urban communities.
Each is tangible proof of literacy's profound and positive influence on women living in very different circumstances - from rural environments to immigrant urban communities.
For many centuries, a "trophy" was simply something of one's enemy-a piece of armor, perhaps, or occasionally a body part-that was displayed after a battle as a tangible proof of triumph.
For many centuries, a "trophy" was simply something of one's enemy-a piece of armor, perhaps, or occasionally a body part-that was displayed after a battle as a tangible proof of triumph.