He calls it "tap-dancing to work".
Growing up, Cox did it all, from swim lessons to girl scouts, modeling, tap dancing and Taekwondo — at the age of 14, she'd already earned a black belt.
He had been in the midst of a tap-dancing lesson when the phone rang, summoning him to Berchtesgaden.
The first plan goes to hell and then you start tap-dancing.
She started to learn tap dancing at the age of 4, made a stage debut at 5, then sang at US Army Camps, jazz cafes and supporting then popular singers concert Tours.
My mother was eager for me to test my aptitude in other areas as well and so involved me in art, piano, guitar, and tap dancing, none of which engaged my interest as much as sports.
My mother was eager for me to test my aptitude in other areas as well and so involved me in art, piano, guitar, and tap dancing, none of which engaged my interest as much as sports.