The performance and usage of coal-tar asphalt were introduced. Meanwhile, it was assumed the excellent characteristics, mechanism and technology of the modified coal tar pitch.
These comprise asphalt, tar and waxes.
It is pointed out that to produce petro - asphalt and industrial naphthalene as main products and mixed methyl naphthalene fractions as by -product is one of important ways to utilize pyrolysis tar.
Asphalt, coal tar enamel, fusion-bonded epoxy, polyethylene tape, 2-layer PE and 3-layer PE coatings may be used for corrosion control of underground pipelines.
Medium with worse lubricating property, such as light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil, coal tar, asphalt, viscose, emulsified mixture, etc.
Tar sand oil was extracted from the Xinjiang tar sands and some kinds of asphalt products with special uses and higher value were prepared from the said oil.
Tar sand oil was extracted from the Xinjiang tar sands and some kinds of asphalt products with special uses and higher value were prepared from the said oil.