The invention is mainly used for treating coke tar residue of coke plants.
Banned in today's cosmetics, the cancer-causing tar residue can be found in burnt substances and foods such barbecue, coffee, cigarette smoke, and coal tar.
Right mix of anthracite and modification of tar washing oil residue usage and other major factors are discussed.
Any of various thick, dark, sticky substances obtained from the distillation residue of coal tar, wood tar, or petroleum and used for waterproofing, roofing, caulking, and paving.
Residue has higher conversion, tar, gas volume yield and less water yield than parent coal.
Normally the by-product. benzene residue. in benzene refining in coking plant is put into tar or sold and so the benzene product in the residue cant be recovered.
So, processing mixture of vacuum residue and ethylene heavy tar is expected to be a better route for expanding ethylene heavy tar use.
Coal tar is a by-product of coking, namely tar distillation residue in distillation kettle black material.
煤焦沥青Coal tar:煤焦沥青是炼焦的副产品,即焦油蒸馏后残留在蒸馏釜内的黑色物质。
Coal tar is a by-product of coking, namely tar distillation residue in distillation kettle black material.
煤焦沥青Coal tar:煤焦沥青是炼焦的副产品,即焦油蒸馏后残留在蒸馏釜内的黑色物质。