Using molecular cell biology, biochemistry, genetics and other approaches to study the signal transduction pathways in cancers and establish tumor targeting strategy for drug development.
In 2001, the Ministry of Health of Kenya developed the new national strategy for malaria control targeting increased coverage of insecticide treated mosquito nets.
As an extension of the targeting by intent strategy, a sophisticated and growing segment of brands are turning to searcher demographics to conduct detailed analyses of their online audience.
Researchers have found that the strategy actually helps the virus spread, as it speeds the targeting of uninfected cells.
Only a few years ago, the strategy for U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq focused on targeting insurgents.
Only a few years ago, the strategy for U. s. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq focused on targeting insurgents.
Obama will be targeting super delegates in his strategy as well.
The article reviewed that the current research status of ultrasound contrast agents targeting tumors and provided a new strategy for construction of a new targeting ultrasound contrast agents.
The marketing strategy analysis includes the market segmentation, targeting and position as well as the market competition, relationship marketing and international marketing.
These mouse experiments suggest targeting fatty acid synthase in macrophages may provide a potential treatment strategy for humans.
Researchers have found that the strategy actually helps the virus spread as it speeds the targeting of uninfected cells.
Thus the strategy to combine the gene therapy of this targeting LMP1 gene with radiotherapy is expected to enhance the local control and long term effect.
The traditional agro-technical extension is a up-to-down mode in China, which is to use advanced technique strategy to the targeting farmers.
The traditional agro-technical extension is a up-to-down mode in China, which is to use advanced technique strategy to the targeting farmers.