In 19th century literates of Tartu University started to study Estonian mythology.
Lotman was the founder of Tartu school of Russia and an academician of science council.
The final leg of my mini odyssey through the Baltic states is the 125 miles from Tartu to Tallinn.
I wonder how we are going to occupy ourselves on the six-hour drive from the Latvian seaside resort of Jurmala to the Estonian university town of Tartu.
The Finnish CRussian border was agreed at the Treaty of Tartu in 1920, largely following the historic border but adding Petsamo and its Barents Sea harbour to Finland.
1920年,芬兰和俄国边界签订Tartu条约,主要按照史上原有的边界,但是增加了Petsamo和巴伦支海港(BarentsSea harbour)于芬兰的边界。
The Finnish CRussian border was agreed at the Treaty of Tartu in 1920, largely following the historic border but adding Petsamo and its Barents Sea harbour to Finland.
1920年,芬兰和俄国边界签订Tartu条约,主要按照史上原有的边界,但是增加了Petsamo和巴伦支海港(BarentsSea harbour)于芬兰的边界。