This generated little commerce for downtown businesses in the evenings, which made business and generating tax revenue for municipal upkeep difficult.
Because of the purchase, therefore, overall annual tax revenue will be lower than it would have been if development had occurred.
Property taxes are assessed on market value, and if developed, the land would have contributed significantly to the county's overall annual tax revenue.
The return could be in tax revenue, jobs, trained workers, new technology, or other tangible returns.
Without a stronger domestic economy, growth will not generate enough tax revenue to reduce the debt.
And billions in tax revenue are lost each year because many undocumented workers are paid under the table.
And with the partial exception of Greece, whatever fiscal crises there exist are due to a recession-driven fall in tax revenue and bank bailouts, rather than overspending.
The resulting decrease in tax revenue caused the country's budget deficit to widen to around 10% of GDP.
The national budget is already being put under strain by a marked reduction in tax revenue.
In Australia 60% of tax revenue is raised from such levies.
The average ratio of tax payments to operator revenues is 30%. On average the mobile industry, which accounts for 4% of GDP, contributes 7% of national tax revenue.
It's not really looking at tax rates. It's looking at tax revenue, which is not the same thing.
'If we had lots of tax [revenue] or lots coming in, we could do anything, but that is not the case,' he said.
The very wealthy pay the most taxes per person, but the bulk of tax revenue comes from those who are not so wealthy.
So, for the sake of a quick buck, it has reduced its future non-tax revenue.
We worked out guidelines for improving management of non-tax revenue and a plan to bring it under budgetary management by 2011.
They can try to boost growth, which reduces the burden of public debt and makes it easier to cut deficits by bringing in more tax revenue.
Personal income, tax revenue, profits and prices dropped, and international trade plunged by a half to two-thirds.
In a progressive tax system, where richer people pay a higher average tax-rate, more income going to top earners automatically means higher tax revenue.
The mining companies point out the huge benefits the project brings in terms of employment, tax revenue and foreign exchange.
The first recorded public bond is dated January 1150 when the municipality raised 400 lire by granting to investors the tax revenue raised from stallholders in the marketplace.
Raising tax revenue will hurt less if the tax system becomes more supportive of economic growth in the process.
The stakes are high: the City of London is a huge source of tax revenue for Britain (though not as big as it once was).
Pundits and political wise men have long dreamed of a "grand bargain", which would arrest the growth of entitlement spending while raising tax revenue by closing loopholes.
Pundits and political wise men have long dreamed of a "grand bargain", which would arrest the growth of entitlement spending while raising tax revenue by closing loopholes.