As Britain's tax on bank bonuses shows, fiscal policy in the rich world risks being driven by rising public fury at bankers and bail-outs.
Waste and lower growth because of poor tax policy will only make the fiscal hole harder to fill. The new tax will do little to reduce Britain's budget deficit.
With higher tax burdens and more generous jobless benefits, European countries get a bigger fiscal boost without any change in policy.
We will increase fiscal and tax policy support and set up a sound system of low-rent housing.
Fiscal policy was already on course to knock 1.4 points off growth, as last year's payroll-tax cut and extension to unemployment benefits reach their expiry date.
Equity markets generally welcomed cuts in capital gains tax and on savings, and an expansionary fiscal policy helped cushion the blow after the bursting of the dotcom bubble.
The state must support export product upgrading, but not the use of currency exchange rate policy and fiscal policy should be used as export tax rebates, such as accelerated depreciation.
The state must support export product upgrading, but not the use of currency exchange rate policy and fiscal policy should be used as export tax rebates, such as accelerated depreciation.