The "Ladies' Safe Trips" taxi service was launched "at the request of Tehran women asking for a safe and relaxed service," according to the municipality transport official Jafar Tashakori Hashemi.
据伊朗首都德黑兰市政交通处官员加法·塔沙科里·哈什米介绍,应广大德黑兰女性的要求,市政交通处日前成立了一家名为“女士安全行”的出租车服务公司,专为女性提供“安全而轻松”的 服务。
The "Ladies' Safe Trips" taxi service was launched "at the request of Tehran women asking for a safe and relaxed service," according to the municipality transport official Jafar Tashakori Hashemi.
据伊朗首都德黑兰市政交通处官员加法·塔沙科里·哈什米介绍,应广大德黑兰女性的要求,市政交通处日前成立了一家名为“女士安全行”的出租车服务公司,专为女性提供“安全而轻松”的 服务。