Team Lotus boss Tony Fernandes has hit out at Group Lotus ahead of Monday's hearing, saying they have as much right to the Lotus name as he does.
Team Lotus and Group Lotus, who recently invested in the Renault F1 team, will head to the London High Court next week, seeking a summary judgment over the Lotus name.
Following laboratory tests, the LOTUS team will be testing their detection system in a real world environment driving around the neighbourhoods of Stockholm.
Lotus Quickr includes the following components with a standard installation: team blog, feed reader, announcements, wiki, library, project tasks, and contacts.
You can easily customize Lotus Quickr with standard components, such as libraries, team calendars, discussion forums, blogs, wikis, and other collaboration tools for managing projects.
Lotus Quickr provides multiple ways to contribute or access information as a part of team collaboration.
The basic goal of Lotus Quickr is fostering team collaboration by providing a central online location for collaboration.
Lotus Quickr is team collaboration software that helps you share content, collaborate, and work faster online with your teams.
The focus of Lotus Quickr is providing the necessary tools to improve team collaboration and communication.
Users can place these feeds on their own blogs, thus keeping up with a Lotus Quickr team place without actually visiting it.
Lotus Quickr provides a simple but effective platform for team collaboration.
Lotus Quickr is a content repository where users and teams store personal and team content.
That approach is the way that the Lotus Expeditor team implemented the SwitcherService, a service that allows you to open Windows as new tabs, as grouped tabs, or as completely new Windows.
This accuracy stems from the team making sure the workload's transactions with the Lotus Domino server matches that of the Lotus Notes V8 client.
这种精确性能够使小组确保工作负载中LotusDomino服务器产生的事务与LotusNotes V8客户机的实际情况匹配。
During the process of designing the application and components, the team determined that two new IBM Lotus Expeditor components were needed.
Lotus Quickr is a team collaboration offering from IBM that provides ready-to-use capabilities that leverage Web 2.0 features.
LotusQuickr是IBM出品的一款团队协作软件,提供开箱即用的利用Web 2.0特性的功能。
Download a trial version of Lotus Quickr 8.0, a Web 2.0-based team collaboration offering.
下载试用版LotusQuickr 8.0,这是一个基于Web 2.0的团队协作产品。
The db2inst1 team created in Lotus Foundations during installation is also the default administrator for the db2 database.
在安装时在Lotus Foundations中创建的db2inst1团队也是db 2数据库的默认管理员。
The ZetaBank development team decided to use new features and functionality in Lotus Notes V8.
ZetaBank开发团队决定使用LotusNotesV 8中的新功能和新特性。
Mark Dowdy is another new addition to the Performance team, but he joined Iris in 1997 from Lotus.
The Domino Web Access design team has devoted increasing attention to customization, and with Lotus Domino 6.5, the Domino Web Access template became even more customizable.
DominoWebAccess设计组对定制投入了越来越多的关注,有了Lotus Domino 6.5,Domino Web Access模板就变得更加用户化。
The DB2 Express-C for Lotus Foundations package should be listed and displayed as: "DB2 Express-C for Lotus Foundations (Team autoinstall/ibm-db2-9.7-nnnn.pkg)".
应该会列出DB2Express-CforLotusFoundations包,它显示为 “DB2 Express-C for Lotus Foundations (Team autoinstall/ibm-db2-9.7-nnnn.pkg)”。
However, he does concede that beating Lotus-Renault out on the track in 2011 will be a step too far for his team - for now.
In May the Lotus Formula One team appeared of Imperial Tobacco's Gold Leaf brand. It is the first time that Fomula 1 has got the commerical sponorship in history.
In May the Lotus Formula One team appeared of Imperial Tobacco's Gold Leaf brand. It is the first time that Fomula 1 has got the commerical sponorship in history.