Years later, we decided to tear down our ugly house and build a beautiful one with a garden.
Shake up the quintessential powder in the bag, tear down the smaller paster of the ventilate adhesive plaster, and then attach the bag to the volar.
These now are the walls we must tear down.
They tried to tear down the reputation of the novelist.
Tear down the walls between support and development
Love your neighbor, but don't tear down your fence.
We have to tear down this sick system — so the sick can live.
But I will tear down your hard drive into partitions until you cry.
However, it is a good example of how to set up and tear down a stack frame.
Now Sanders wants to share her story in an effort to tear down the stigma of mental illness.
If the mock does not receive the call, it will fail the test automatically during tear down.
The only way to remove that lock is to explicitly tear down Derby's connection to the database.
At that time Mr. Murdoch strongly hinted that he would tear down the pay wall and let everyone in free.
By saving me three set up days and 1.5 tear down days, that's the salary of three men four and a half days.
When a received callback indicates errors processing the WS1 message, the converged application may also tear down the call.
Then he said, 'This is what I'll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods.
Add just a few more queue managers and the ability to tear down and rebuild the cluster from scratch reliably and quickly begins to diminish.
Using the virtual images lets you quickly set up, deploy, and tear down WebSphere environments, allowing for quick evaluation of the product.
She declared the formation of a splinter group, which would use performance art to tear down the wall of apathy surrounding the moon question.
A group formed to save the house, and a neighbor then offered to tear down a house on a lot across the street to make way for the Doud residence.
It is only when you need to alter timeouts, perform setup operations, or tear down data after a test that you would need to construct a test fixture.
The ease with which you are able to build up and tear down your environments could lead you to inadvertently go over your purchased license allotment.
DBUnit is about maintaining database integrity across test runs (and in fact you can use DBUnit as part of the set up and tear down of your tests in Twist).
Be careful in using precise timings as a gauge for the execution time of a method; the setup and tear down time of a test is included in the overall execution time.
Two critical factors led to the end of J.T. 's career: a crackdown on gangs and the introduction of a federal programme to tear down projects such as Robert Taylor.
Two critical factors led to the end of J.T. 's career: a crackdown on gangs and the introduction of a federal programme to tear down projects such as Robert Taylor.