Some days dealing with fools makes one want to tear one's hair out.
One of the early ideas I implemented was being able to lasso a function with the pen and then flicking with the pen to tear out a function into a floating bubble.
In this creation, law was turned inside out and upside down allowing one creator to tear apart another creator's creation.
To tear the paper or pick out the fiber using the needle, then to find the two color on the same one fiber .
I had to turn away and as I did so a great big giant tear rolled its way out of my eye, down the side of my nose and landed - plop - right there on the toecap of one of my black suede shoes.
Last night, thinking of you, one tear rolled out, I asked why rolled out?
Unstable leaf of the horizontally torn meniscus was removed, while the stable one was preserved. In 6 cases, the tear of edge rim was not only reshaped but also insider-out sutured.
Unstable leaf of the horizontally torn meniscus was removed, while the stable one was preserved. In 6 cases, the tear of edge rim was not only reshaped but also insider-out sutured.